There’s nothing unusual about hair falling out excessively in autumn. It’s connected with a diet poorer in vitamins and minerals, less sunlight and physical activity in the open air. Losing 50-100 hairs a day is the norm. The problem begins when hair falls out in handfuls. If you want to tackle this unwanted condition, learn the essentials for autumn hair care regimen.
Why hair falls out excessively in autumn?
Seasonal hair loss is connected with many factors. Wrong hair care is one of them. Clarifying shampoos and lack of sun protection dries out and weakens hair. This condition may also result from hormonal imbalance. Estrogen matters a lot: its level is higher in spring and summer yet lower in autumn and winter (contrary to testosteron). Weather conditions affect the hair too. The sun, freezing cold and minus temps have a bad effect on scalp and hair. How to handle this effect of nature on our hairdos? Wear a warm hat made from breathable material. Use heat protectants and gently comb out the strands.
Secret life of hair
Even the hair is hard done by life… Its life cycle comes in three stages. Anagen comes first, which is an active growth phase in hair follicles. This process lasts 2-7 years. Even 90% of head hair is in the anagen phase. Catagen is the second stage during which the hair regresses; it takes 14-21 days. During this phase the hair is pushed to fall out in the last phase which is telogen lasting up to three months. The bulb gets weak and eventually falls out when you wash or brush hair, or is pushed out by a new hair. Do you know that one hair follicle bears even 20 hairs! A living part of hair is under the skin whereas non-living – above it. Main ingredients of hair include protein, keratin and melanin. Healthy, shiny, smooth hair is down to sebaceous glands inside the scalp.
How to stop hair loss?
Autumn hair loss can be held back using a few ways. Let me present some of them:
- change your diet! enrich your meals with fatty acids found in olive oil, sunflower and pumpkin seeds (they are also rich in zinc). Eat fish, vitamins and fruit (even frozen foods);
- trim your hair ends! They are exposed to mechanical damage in this season of the year (rubbing against coats and jackets). This way you can avoid splitting and falling out hair;
- say goodbye to a blow-dryer! Heat tools dry out hair and overheat the scalp (this results in intensified function of sebaceous glands and oily scalp). Let your hair air dry or use a blow-dryer with cool airflow;
- moisturize your hair! Before washing hair, apply a moisturizing mask or oil. Leave the product in for approx. an hour and then rinse thoroughly. Finally, use a leave-in moisturizing cosmetic;
- care for your scalp! Do a scalp scrub once in two weeks, wash it gently using mild shampoo and keep it moisturised. If your scalp is oily, don’t massage it, neither use hot water or take hot baths. Overheated skin sweats more quickly and sebum glands work more intensively.
A shampoo to fight autumn hair loss
Using the right products is halfway to success when it comes to autumn scalp and hair care. You might need two shampoos. Why? Hair may be a combination of two types e.g. greasy roots and dry tips. Also, you should know that wearing a hat, having hair colored and wrong brushing routine lead to worse condition and appearance of hair. To avoid that, use shampoos matching your hair type and needs.
Hair balms and conditioners
Such products have a merely conditioning effect, they neither repair nor treat your hair. Balms and conditioners make combing easier, smooth out hair and ensure natural shine. This type of products should be applied exclusively to hair lengths, never to scalp. Rub most product into the ends. Use them a few times a week following directions on the label and you’re going to spot first results soon.
What about your remedies for seasonal hair loss?
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